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  • Andrei Gheorghe, 38
  • Bucureşti, România
  • Work: Infineon Technologies
  • School: Fac. de Electronică şi Telecomunicaţii


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November 25, 2022 - 20:20


Cine mai explică acum că dacă nu egalau ecuadorienii, "olandejii" conduceau in c...

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June 20, 2022 - 20:18


Nişte angajaţi ai Urban Serv sunt foarte mândri de ei şi în ziua de astăzi pentr...

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May 24, 2022 - 14:33


există şi nişte bonus pack-uri în joc, dacă faci nişte achievementuri primeşti u...

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May 24, 2022 - 14:31


regula de cinci secunde a devenit mult mai periculoasă de când cu pandemia... nu...

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May 24, 2022 - 14:27


şi ca fun fact, nici măcar nu este primul chirurg din echipa Rapidului... am avu...

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May 24, 2022 - 14:25


eu merg aproape sigur pe varianta b. pentru că e destul de uşor să verifici că a...

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May 23, 2022 - 21:17


Am văzut şi eu trailerul mai demult. Chiar mă întrebam dacă au plătit redevenţă ...

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May 23, 2022 - 21:12


Toate ca toate, dar eu fără cartofi prăjiţi nu-mi fac transplant!

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May 23, 2022 - 21:09


Eh, când cei mai tineri fani ai Rapidului se apropie de 40 de ani, or fi zis şi ...

posted on te apără de goluri şi cardiace

May 23, 2022 - 21:05


Sunt două variante aici: a. Ei nici nu s-au gândit dacă o să meargă maşina aia ...

posted on achtung: se fură motoare maro cu jojă neagră

May 23, 2022 - 20:54


Oare regula de cinci secunde se aplică şi la compresor?

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April 2, 2022 - 13:48


pare că nu...

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April 1, 2022 - 10:30


La multi ani? Mai primeşti ceva anul ăsta?

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February 22, 2022 - 12:18


Măcar nu au fost 18...

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February 10, 2022 - 11:54


Scrie chiar de două ori! Oare a uitat că a scris prima oară, sau chiar l-a mai c...

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   "Burn Bucharest, Burn You Fucking Maniacs" [Lake Of Tears, 11 Martie 2006]

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Remodelatorul de Molecule - Archive for March, 2009Full Post View

şi alte logici

"tam tam tararararara ra ta ra ra ra raram.. ta ra ra ra ram ta ra ta ram"
"tam tam tararararara ra ta ra ra ra raram.. ta ra ra ra ram ta ra ta ram"

saptamana asta m-am uitat la Benny Hill... nici nu mi-am dat seama pana acum cat a fost de genial... o mare parte din episoade sunt destul de simple, poate chiar plicticoase... dar are cateva momente de geniu pur...

"if your nose runs and your feet smell... you were born upside down"

"blow your mind... smoke dynamite"

"this is rabbit meat... actually is a little horse too... half rabbit, half horse... fifty-fifty... a rabbit and a horse"

"-i’ve never been this insulted in my life
– that’s because you don’t get out very often"

"-i got a girl pregnant
-my god harry, it’s the third time this year... and it’s only january 4th"

"my grandma put her teeth backwards and ate half her head before we could stop her"

"- why are you so late ?
– i was followed home
– and that’s a reason to be late ?
– he was walking very slow"

"- now listen to me you son of a bitch... if you lie to me i will hang you... and if you tell me the truth i’ll throw you to the crocodiles... do you have anything to say ?
– you’re gonna hang me"

"did you know that there’s a million to one chance that there will be a bomb on your plane, and a million million to one chance that there will be two bombs on your plane... so to be safe, always take a bomb with you on the plane"

"my parrot died when he was hit by the flu... as flu was driving the bus"

"what do you call a dog with no legs ?... it doesn’t matter, he won’t come anyway"

Tags: none Saturday March 21, 2009 - 23:31pm (EET) Permanent Link | 0 Comments
"that’s good cock, john"
"that’s good cock, john"

Sex Drive (Unrated Edition)

un eurotrip combinat cu american pie... marele lui pacat e ca nu aduce nimic original... doar le copiaza pe anterior mentionatele...

e destul de amuzant, dar nu foarte... prima jumatate e destul de plictisitoare dar devine mai bun spre sfarsit, cu un moment absolut hilar la final (cand se bat toti si vine politia)...

nota 8.50

Tags: none Friday March 20, 2009 - 21:21pm (EET) Permanent Link | 0 Comments
"do you find your body responsive ?"
"do you find your body responsive ?"

Marie Antoinette

mi-a fost frica sa nu fie ca posterul... din pacate, este ca posterul... iar kirsten dunst nu-mi place absolut deloc... este pur si simplu urata... da asta e, cand te cheama asa, e greu sa ajungi o femeie frumoasa...

singurul lucru bun din filmul asta este jason schwartzman... singurele scene ok din film au fost cu el in patul matrimonial...

filmu are 2 ore... putea foarte bine sa aiba 20 minute... in restul nu se intampla absolut nimic...

[about marie antoinette, queen of france]: "the people of france are starving. when the queen found out they have no bread to eat, do you know what she said ? she said "well, let them eat cake"

nota 7.25

Tags: none Thursday March 19, 2009 - 22:16pm (EET) Permanent Link | 1 Comment
chick flick
chick flick

The Russell Girl

hallmark movie... para los ladies... not for me...

nota 7.25

Tags: none Wednesday March 18, 2009 - 23:55pm (EET) Permanent Link | 0 Comments
"i don’t understand women’s energy after sex"
"i don’t understand women’s energy after sex"

Charlie Wilson’s War

destul de inteligent-amuzant si foarte bine jucat... pacat ca e tot despre eternul afganistan... daca era despre aproape orice altceva putea fi un film foarte bun...

si 25 de sutimi din nota ii pierde pentru ca este incredibil de nationalist... pe principiul u.s.a. rulz, russia sux... ntz ntz ntz

Larry Liddle: Miss?
Charlie’s Angel #1: Yes sir?
Larry Liddle: It seems to me lookin’ around, that it’s almost all women workin’ here; and that they’re all very pretty. Is that common?
Charlie’s Angel #1: Well... Congressman Wilson, he has an expression. He says uhh, "You can teach them to type, but you can’t teach them to grow tits."
Larry Liddle: Well, that’s... charming.

Joanne Herring: Why is Congress saying one thing and doing nothing?
Charlie Wilson: Well, tradition mostly.

Charlie Wilson: You mean to tell me that the U.S. strategy in Afghanistan is to have the Afghans keep walking into machine gun fire ’til the Russians run out of bullets?
Gust Avrakotos: That’s Harold Holt’s strategy, not U.S. strategy.
Charlie Wilson: What is U.S. strategy?
Gust Avrakotos: Most strictly speaking, we don’t have one. But we’re working on it.
Charlie Wilson: Who’s ’we’?
Gust Avrakotos: Me and three other guys.

Zvi: This meeting it going to be run professional.
Gust Avrakotos: Oh absolutely. We’re going to be talking to the Deputy Defense Minister while his boss gets a belly dance from a friend of Charlie’s.
Zvi: What?
Charlie Wilson: A friend of mine is a well known belly dances in Texas. It’s always been her dream to perform in Egypt, so she’s our way in. While she’s dancing for the Defense Minister, we’ll be talking to the deputy.
Zvi: Oh my God.
Gust Avrakotos: No, she’s supposed to be pretty good

Zvi: You want me to steer Israel towards an arms deal with Egypt, Pakistan, and Saudi Arabia?
Charlie Wilson: Yes.
Zvi: Well, just one or two problems with that, just off the top of my head.
Charlie Wilson: Zvi...
Zvi: Afghanistan and Pakistan don’t recognize our right to exist, we just got done fighting a war against Egypt, and everyone who has ever tried to kill me or my family has been trained in Saudi Arabia!
Gust Avrakotos: That’s not true, Zvi. Some of them were trained by us.

Charlie Wilson: How old are you?
Mike Vickers: I’ll be 30 next week.
Charlie Wilson: This is CIA’s weapons expert?
Gust Avrakotos: One of them.
Charlie Wilson: But he’s the most senior.

Gust Avrakotos: Look...
Chess Player #1: Mike!
Mike Vickers: Yeah, bishop to queen’s knight 7.
Gust Avrakotos: See, he’s playing without even looking at the board.
Charlie Wilson: That’s a useful skill... if Afghanistan’s ever invaded by Boris Spassky.

nota 8.50

Tags: none Tuesday March 17, 2009 - 22:04pm (EET) Permanent Link | 0 Comments
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