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  • Andrei Gheorghe, 38
  • Bucureşti, România
  • Work: Infineon Technologies
  • School: Fac. de Electronică şi Telecomunicaţii


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November 25, 2022 - 20:20


Cine mai explică acum că dacă nu egalau ecuadorienii, "olandejii" conduceau in c...

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May 23, 2022 - 21:17


Am văzut şi eu trailerul mai demult. Chiar mă întrebam dacă au plătit redevenţă ...

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Sunt două variante aici: a. Ei nici nu s-au gândit dacă o să meargă maşina aia ...

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May 23, 2022 - 20:54


Oare regula de cinci secunde se aplică şi la compresor?

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   "Burn Bucharest, Burn You Fucking Maniacs" [Lake Of Tears, 11 Martie 2006]

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Remodelatorul de Molecule - Archive for January, 2009Full Post View

şi alte logici

"fuck the po-lice !"
"fuck the po-lice !"

Pineapple Express

"from the guys who brought you Superbad"... asta zice cam tot... :D

nu e chiar atat de funny ca Superbad, dar e mai bun decat multe alte comedii... chiar am ras cu pofta la destule faze... cand incearca sa sparga parbrizu la masina cu picioru si ii ramane blocat in geam a fost genial...

Angie Anderson: Fuck you, Dale. I lost my virginity when I was fourteen, okay? How many women have you even slept with?
Dale Denton: Like two and a half.
Angie Anderson: Two and a half? What is a half, your hand? That doesn’t count!

Robert: Are you high?
Dale Denton: What? No!
Shannon: You are high as a fucking kite!

Red: Why don’t you follow his lead and just chill out, man?
Dale Denton: I’m chill. I’m chill as a cucumber, man.
Red: You don’t seem chill.
Dale Denton: I’m more chill than you.
Red: You’re more chill than me?
Dale Denton: Yeah.
Red: Look what I’m wearing. Kimono, dog. What’re you wearing?
Dale Denton: A suit.
Red: Yeah, exactly.

Dale Denton: [while hiding in the woods] Even if he found that roach, how could he find us?
Saul: Um... heat-seeking missiles... bloodhounds... and foxes... barracudas...
Dale Denton: I’m just – I’m kind of flabbergasted when you say things like that. It’s weird.
Saul: Thank you.
Dale Denton: Not a compliment.

Saul: Let’s roll, man! I’m done with the woods! Let’s go! C’mon, man, let’s get the fuck outta’ here!
Dale Denton: [sarcastically] Okay... Uhh let’s go... No... It’s not working... the battery’s dead.
Saul: Wait...! What do you mean it’s dead?
Dale Denton: [laughing] What do I mean? I mean the battery’s dead. The battery’s dead!
Saul: No, no! What do you mean, the battery’s dead?
Dale Denton: How can I explain this to you differently? The battery is dead. It ceased to live. It’s deceased now. The car needs a battery to start, Saul.
Saul: [frustrated sigh] How did this happen?
Dale Denton: Well we clearly fell asleep with the battery on and-...
Saul: Aw, man... Talk radio?
Dale Denton: Yes, talk radio.
Saul: So boring, man! The car just committed suicide.

Saul: BFFF?
Dale Denton: Best Fuckin’ Friends Forever, man!

Police Liaison Officer: What the hell is that? What the hell is that?
Dale Denton: Oh, oh, it’s a roach. It’s a joint. I have anorexia. Honest, I thought it was decriminalized.
Police Liaison Officer: Selling drugs to minors has *not* been decriminalized. I’m the police liaison officer with this school, and I just saw a bunch of my kids comin’ around the corner with their eyes as red as the devil’s dick!

Dale Denton: Couscous – the food’s so nice they named it twice.

Robert: You assholes do exactly as I say, or I will take you outside and fuck you in the street!
Dale Denton: No! Don’t fuck us anywhere!

Red: Do you know what today is?
Saul: Tuesday.
Red: This is my cat’s birthday today.
Dale Denton: I don’t see a cat in here. I’m sorry. Did you let it out by accident?
Red: No, because he died three months ago, okay? So now who’s the funny guy?

Dale Denton: He fucking killed him!
Saul: Who killed who?
Dale Denton: A cop, a lady, and a guy!
Saul: A cop, a lady, and a guy, man? That’s like a massacre.

[He shows them his shaved armpits]
Red: You see this? You see that? There’s no hair under here, bro.
Dale Denton: What’s the significance of that?
Red: It makes me aerodynamic when I fight. I can take danger.

Saul: You still got that bong I got you when I was in Tel Aviv?
Red: Hell yeah, Bong Mitzvah! Hit it up, dude!

Saul: Oh, sic
k! You threw up on my printer!
Dale Denton: I did.
Saul: You break it?
Dale Denton: I hope not.

[Saul throws his cell phone into the woods after suggesting that they can be traced]
Dale Denton: Whoa! What the fuck was that?
Saul: I was trying to hit that tree. I missed.
Dale Denton: What tree?
Saul: That one.
Dale Denton: Why didn’t you smash it on a rock like a normal person like I did?
Saul: I don’t know! How often does somebody smash things? I’m rusty, fuck.
Dale Denton: Oh, man, did you at least see where it landed?
Saul: I don’t know. Just call it.
Dale Denton: Call it? With what? My phone has been smashed!
Saul: [pauses] Y’know, I bet they can’t even triangulate those things.
Dale Denton: Well, you shouldn’t have said anything, because now you convinced me they can! You were very convincing back there!
Saul: Okay, okay. Fine, I’ll go find it. Fuck.
Dale Denton: Do you see it?
Saul: See what?
Dale Denton: The phone, you idiot!

nota 8.75

Tags: none Saturday January 31, 2009 - 23:31pm (EET) Permanent Link | 0 Comments
"ok, let’s make an agreement"
"ok, let’s make an agreement"

The Darjeeling Limited

alt film de Wes Anderson, cam in acelasi registru cu Life Aquatic dar mai lipsit de esenta... se cunoaste mana aceluiasi regizor in anumite puncte dar nu peste tot...

good acting din partea celor trei... intr-un film care se bazeaza mult pe mimica fetei conteaza mult...

Jack: What did he say?
Peter: He said the train is lost.
Jack: How can a train be lost? It’s on rails.

Brendan: Why are your eyes so red?
Francis: Why is your head so bald?

Him: I don’t want to become friends and then fuck and to be weird in the morning after...
Her: I promise you i’ll never be your friend

Patricia: If we say it without words...

nota 8.75

Tags: none Friday January 30, 2009 - 23:58pm (EET) Permanent Link | 3 Comments
in a more happy note
in a more happy note

in primul rand, am fost azi la specimenul de mai jos, ca sa constatam ca nici macar nu s-a uitat peste lucrari, daduse notele asa "statistic, pe baza de esantioane"... ne-a marit la toti cu un punct ca sa scape de noi...

in al doilea rand, iar am avut examen azi, unul mult mai serios... Bazele Tehnologice ale Microelectronicii, cu Mircea Bodea... materie interesanta (nu toata), curs bine tinut (nu tot), destul de greu... am luat 9 ca n-am avut decat 2 zile la dispozitie de invatat ca am fost si pe la service... oricum, 9 e mult la materia asta, sunt multumit

acuma, legat de saptamana asta in general, a fost plina de umor... in primul rand, Eddie Izzard... categoric cel mai bun stand up comedian ever... depaseste cu usurinta pe oricine (pe rowan atkinson de pe vremuri cel mai greu, dar il depaseste)... Dress to Kill si Glorious sunt doua capodopere, in total 3 ore si ceva de ras cu lacrimi... impecabil.. tot respectul pentru Eddie...

apoi pe la Jay Leno: "there’s a new film out this week, it’s called "Monsters vs. Aliens"... yeah, good luck taking the wife to that... and i think it’s based on a true story... yeah, it is"

la Bodea prin cursuri: "indignarea produce versuri", "normal ca procesele tehnologice degaja gaze periculoase, dar stiti cum e, nu te uiti cu chibritu sa vezi nivelu din rezervoru la masina", "la epitaxie se degaja cantitati enorme de hidrogen, care din cand in cand explodeaza, astfel ca incinta in care se face epitaxia are tavan flotant, cand explodeaza se ridica si apoi revine la loc"

azi la facultate, vopseau niste muncitori usile de la parter... cand au terminat, au luat sculele in brate si au dat sa plece... un cretin a luat scaunu in brate si cand sa iasa cu el pe usa frumoasa proaspat vopsita s-a infipt ca boul in ea si a facut-o praf... :D... muncitorii in romania, no comment

tot azi, Bodea, cand ii recorecta lucrarea lu tzutzu, caruia nu-i ieseau punctele ca sa ia 10, da totusi vroia sa-i dea: "ei, cum facem ? il scoatem cu forcepsul sau prin cezariana ?"

Tags: none Thursday January 29, 2009 - 21:46pm (EET) Permanent Link | 0 Comments
ura, muie si blesteme
ura, muie si blesteme

dupa cum probabil cititorii cat de cat fideli ai acestui blog, mai ales cei care au citit primele posturi, stiu, s-ar parea ca am o putere supranaturala de a omori cretininoizi nenorociti doar cu puterea gandului...

s-a intamplat asa cu un profesor din anu I pe care l-am blestemat pe motive intemeiate si a murit de craciun in propriul pat, apoi l-am blestemat pe cacatu de ralu filip chiar pe blogu asta si a murit la foarte scurt timp dupa aceea...

urmatorul cretin pe lista mea este un alt profesor, pe numele sau ioan bacivarov (vezi figura de mai sus, inclusiv nevasta-sa)... ce-a facut asta... a predat un cacat de materie care n-are nici o legatura cu electronica in cel mai prost mod cu putinta, a venit doar de vreo 3-4 ori pe la curs, a tinut un laborator de tot cacatu, apoi a zis ca da bonusuri pe prezenta la curs, deci am mers sa-l sustinem in plictiseala lui, apoi a zis ca stie ca e o materie care nu ne place si o sa dea note mari la toti, apoi am dat examenul, pe 9 ianuarie, APOI AM ASTEPTAM PANA AZI SA NE COMUNICE REZULTATELE, FUTUI MORTII IN CUR SA-I FUT... am mers de 5-6 ori pe la el la birou si tot ne dadea cu papucii, ca sa venim saptamana viitoare ca nu a apucat sa le corecteze inca... n-am patit niciodata in halu asta, sa te rogi 3 saptamani si ceva de un nenorocit de cacanar sa-ti dea rezultatele la un examen... SI PESTE TOATE ASTEA, A DAT CELE MAI MICI NOTE POSIBILE ??? pai cum pula mea le-ai calculat ma nenorocitule cand eu si cu ioana am facut lucrari aproape identice si ei ii dai 10 si mie 8, "ma boule, care esti tu bou" ca sa citez un mare clasic in viata...

maine ne ducem la el... daca nu vrea de buna voie sa ne arate lucrarile si pe ce criterii a acordat notele, se vor intampla probabil 3 chestii... una va fi ca-si va lua niste injuraturi cat pentru toata viata lui de om frustrat... apoi, ne vom caca in fata usii biroului lui... apoi il voi blestema oficial si voi astepta cu mare interes vestea mortii sale...

in rest, o seara linistita...

Tags: none Wednesday January 28, 2009 - 19:57pm (EET) Permanent Link | 2 Comments
LCF’s memoirs
LCF’s memoirs

The Ninth Gate

bineinteles ca l-am luat doar ca era cu Johnny Depp... e un pic prea lung si lent, dar per total e chiar ok... regia e facuta cam din topor si actorii sunt destul de fraieri asa, dar merge vazut o data...

al doilea film la rand cu magie neagra... ce chestie...

nota 8

Tags: none Tuesday January 27, 2009 - 21:27pm (EET) Permanent Link | 1 Comment
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