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  • Andrei Gheorghe, 38
  • Bucureşti, România
  • Work: Infineon Technologies
  • School: Fac. de Electronică şi Telecomunicaţii


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   "Burn Bucharest, Burn You Fucking Maniacs" [Lake Of Tears, 11 Martie 2006]

funny collider
funny collider

The Large Hadron Collider in various tv shows:


  • Alias (my imagination)

On the news: “today in geneva, they are planning to collide two electrons with the speed of light to reimagine the big bang moment.”
Sloane: “sydney, you’re going to geneva with dixon to steal the collider which was designed by rambaldi a million years ago.”
Vaughn: “you countermission is simple. when you retrieve the collider, you’ll give it to weiss in the airport, and we’ll make a copy that you’ll give dixon.”
Jack: “i’ll hack into the sd-6 server to build you an alias.”
Dixon, in geneva: “meet you at the extraction point.”
Sydney, in geneva: “oh my god dixon, sark is here.”
Sark: “hello sydney, fancy meeting you here.”
Ana Espinosa: “i was here first, but i always seem to loose.”
Irina Derevko: “you american fools, how are you gonna steal a 96 km long thingie ?”
J.J. Abrams: “my masterpiece”


  • Lost (anca’s imagination)

Previously on Lost:

Jack: John, I can’t let you use that collider you found in the hatch!
John: the island will show us. If it’s a big bang the island wants, then we must fulfill our destiny.
Sawyer: screw you guys! I’m taking Kate to have sex in it! And there’s nothing you can do about it, doc!
Charlie: bloody hell, there’s a goddamn polar bear in it! Are you bloakes insane?
Sayid: we can’t go blind, we must find out what we’re facing first! We’ll split up in two groups to take it by surprise: Jack, Kate and me will go through the front door and Sawyer, Locke and Jin through the back door.
Jack: no! We can’t split up, we either live together or we die alone!
Locke: Jack, you must have faith, the island chose us as the only people who will survive after this experiment will blow up the planet!
Jack: you’re get us all killed! You can’t go on with this!
Locke: don’t tell me what I can’t do!
Hurley: do you think they have food there?


  • Battlestar Galactica (my imagination)

Previously, on Battlestar Galactica:

Dualla: “Sir, dradis contact.”
Saul Tigh: “Action stations , action stations, set condition one throughout the ship.”
Gaeta: “I read... a large hadron collider, carring la la la, bearing trilulilu”
Apollo: “We should save it and give it shelter, maybe it’s hurt”
Roslin: “Baltar made the damn thing, we should throw him out of an airlock”
Cottle: “I need a smoke”
Chief: “Let’s go, go, go... we can fix it, whatever it is”
Baltar: “I could study it, if you give me a nuclear warhead and a couple of bombs”
Adama: “Whatever it is, i will not have it aboard my ship. You are good kids, keep doing your jobs.”
Starbuck: “It will show us the way to earth. I can feel it”
Helo: “I think i love it”
Athena: “It’s my brother”
Number 6: “I’m sexy, the collider isn’t”
Romo Lampkin: “The bloody thing killed my cat”
D’anna: “I’ve seen the faces of the final five and the collider wasn’t one of them”
Hoshi: “Who am i ???”

Tags: none

Wednesday September 10, 2008 - 17:49pm (EEST)


(8 total) Post a Comment

Gogu: Ai văzut băh ce făcură ăştia? Deci, au făcut unii ditai maşinăria ca să ciocnească două raze de protoni şi să vadă ce se-ntâmplă.
Cretu: Care mă, ăla – Large Hadron Collider?
Gogu: Da bă… o să facă o gaură neagră şi ne ducem dracu’ cu toţii… mai dă un pufuleţ... Dispărem noi şi se face un Univers nou.
Cretu: în poza aia de la tine de pe blog, Colaidăru’ arată ca un kurtos colac întors pe dos.
Gogu: Nu mai zice bă de kurtos, că mi-e foame şi-ti mănânc toată punga!
Cretu: Auzi mă? Dacă ar ciocni atomi dintr-un kurtos colac, ar rezulta un Univers mai bun?
Leo (rânjind impozant): Cum e Large Hadron Colaidăr?
Cretu: O porcărie.
Leo: Da’ cum e kurtos colac?
Gogu (plictisit, cu doi pufuleţi între degete): Suuper!

Wednesday September 10, 2008 - 22:43pm (EEST) Comment Link

cei care nu pot pune un chip langa numele alea nu vor stii sa citeasca dialogul tau cu accentele si intonatiile corespunzatoare...

Wednesday September 10, 2008 - 22:52pm (EEST) Comment Link


Iti pasa? Sa studieze!

Wednesday September 10, 2008 - 22:56pm (EEST) Comment Link


dar cei care pot pune un chip langa numele alea parca va au in fata ochilor in timp ce vorbiti :D
nu v-ati schimbat deloc din liceu :D

Thursday September 11, 2008 - 00:59am (EEST) Comment Link

e imaginatia lu cretu, faza probabil s-a intamplat acu vreo 3 ani in realitate, dar cu un alt subiect

Thursday September 11, 2008 - 13:51pm (EEST) Comment Link


Da, e un fel de "El Grande Chocano del Hadron" in Vianu. Dar ai dreptate, si multumim de compliment :D

Thursday September 11, 2008 - 14:06pm (EEST) Comment Link


"Chocano" adica "ciocano" ? :D

Thursday September 11, 2008 - 22:51pm (EEST) Comment Link


Da, l-am scris in eşpanioleză de translator. In realitate ii zice Colisionador, dar asa suna mai funny si mai viril...

Friday September 12, 2008 - 09:05am (EEST) Comment Link

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