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  • Andrei Gheorghe, 38
  • Bucureşti, România
  • Work: Infineon Technologies
  • School: Fac. de Electronică şi Telecomunicaţii


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   "Burn Bucharest, Burn You Fucking Maniacs" [Lake Of Tears, 11 Martie 2006]

"they made soup out of my research turtles"
"they made soup out of my research turtles"

The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou

destul de original, genul de film care nu e facut pentru gloata proasta... plin de chestii micute idiotice asamblate frumos... bill murray e un mare actor cand incearca... faza cu seiful...

Steve Zissou: Esteban was eaten!
Klaus Daimler: Is he dead?
Steve Zissou: Esteban was eaten!
Klaus Daimler: He was bitten?
Steve Zissou: Eaten!
Klaus Daimler: [shocked] He was swallowed whole?
Steve Zissou: No! Chewed!

[a woman asks a question about the shark Zissou is hunting]
Festival Director: [translating] That’s an endangered species at most. What would be the scientific purpose of killing it?
Steve Zissou: Revenge.

Steve Zissou: Can you hear the Jack Whales singing?
Ned Plimpton: [Tanker goes off] Beautiful. I wonder what they’re saying.
Steve Zissou: Well actually that’s a Sludge Tanker over there...

Steve Zissou: Oh, shit! Swamp leeches. Everybody, check for swamp leeches, and pull them off... Nobody else got hit? I’m the only one? What’s the deal?

[on Eleanor]
Alistair Hennessey: We’ve never made great husbands, have we? Of course, I have a good excuse. I’m half gay.

Alistair Hennessey: Is this my espresso machine? Wh-what is-h-how did you get my espresso machine?
Bill Ubell: Well... uh... we fuckin’ stole it, man.

Jane Winslett-Richardson: [about her baby] In twelve years, he’ll be eleven and a half.
Steve Zissou: [pause] That was my favorite age.

Steve Zissou: This bull dyke’s got something against us.
Ned Plimpton: I don’t think she’s a lesbian. She’s pregnant.

Jane Winslett-Richardson: I’m going to have to start locking my effing door.
Steve Zissou: It was locked, I kicked it in. Why don’t you just curse like other people?
Jane Winslett-Richardson: Because I’m trying to get out of the habit before I have my fucking baby!

Oseary Drakoulias: Oh, bloody hell! You listen here, mate!
Ned Plimpton: Can I interrupt for a second?
Oseary Drakoulias: Who the blazes is that?
Ned Plimpton: It’s me, Ned. Maybe this is nothing, maybe it’s something. I don’t know what your problems are, I don’t know... but I just inherited $275,000. Would that amount make any difference?
Oseary Drakoulias: What sort of expression is the lad wearing on his face?

[while robbing Alistair Hennessey’s underwater sea-lab]
Vladimir Wolodarsky: Steve, one of the interns just fell down the stairs with the main tracking processor.
Steve Zissou: All right, just make sure we steal the backup.

Anne-Marie Sakowitz: I think it’s criminal that Steve allowed this to happen, by which I mean illegal. We’re being led on an illegal suicide mission by a selfish maniac.
Klaus Daimler: I hear what you’re saying, but I think you misjudge the guy.

[Steve opens the safe which contained Ned’s inheritance money, but finds it to be empty, with a hole burned on the other side]
Steve Zissou: That’s it. I’m retired.

nota 9.50

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Monday January 12, 2009 - 17:34pm (EET)

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