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  • Andrei Gheorghe, 38
  • Bucureşti, România
  • Work: Infineon Technologies
  • School: Fac. de Electronică şi Telecomunicaţii


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   "Burn Bucharest, Burn You Fucking Maniacs" [Lake Of Tears, 11 Martie 2006]

episodu: why are silly you ?
episodu: why are silly you ?

Christina Madjera (11:41:00): Are there you from Romania?

Andrei (11:42:47): well who are you

Christina Madjera (11:42:59): Im from Russia

Andrei (11:43:19): so

Andrei (11:43:24): where did you get me from

Christina Madjera (11:43:27): I need your help

Andrei (11:43:31): really

Andrei (11:43:45): ask me milady

Christina Madjera (11:44:08): Can you tell me about your informal personalities?

Christina Madjera (11:44:26): In Romania...

Andrei (11:44:37): my what ?

Andrei (11:44:59): what do you mean “informal” ?

Christina Madjera (11:45:05): Are they in your country?

Andrei (11:45:21): who

Christina Madjera (11:45:38): informal personalities!!!

Christina Madjera (11:45:50): Like г

Andrei (11:45:52): explain what that is

Christina Madjera (11:45:54): U

Christina Madjera (11:45:58): ???

Christina Madjera (11:46:11): Like u

Andrei (11:46:27): i am an informal personality ?

Andrei (11:46:33): how come ?

Christina Madjera (11:46:36): yes

Christina Madjera (11:47:16): informal personalities – goths, alters, EMO, cybers...

Andrei (11:47:26): ahammm

Christina Madjera (11:47:32): Do you understand?

Andrei (11:47:41): i am starting to understand

Andrei (11:47:42): so

Andrei (11:47:59): i am no EMO, no goth

Andrei (11:48:06): i am just very intelligent

Andrei (11:48:17): i hide behind my thouths

Andrei (11:48:24): thougths

Andrei (11:48:56): please tell me where did you get my id

Christina Madjera (11:49:09): Sorry, I must not was speak to you

Christina Madjera (11:49:17): bye

Christina Madjera (11:49:19): )))

Andrei (11:49:23): dude

Andrei (11:49:31): bad russia

Andrei (11:49:33): bad

Christina Madjera (11:49:47): Ey!!

Andrei (11:49:59): tell me about you

Andrei (11:50:03): i like russian woman

Andrei (11:50:09): they are strong

Christina Madjera (11:50:10): bad Romania

Christina Madjera (11:50:14): no

Andrei (11:50:22): what no ?

Andrei (11:50:30): beautiful russia

Andrei (11:50:33): is that ok ?

Christina Madjera (11:50:44): the Russian women are very beautiful

Andrei (11:50:49): so i said

Christina Madjera (11:50:53): ))

Andrei (11:50:59): so do you love me or something ?

Andrei (11:51:04): is that it ?

Andrei (11:51:10): you felt in love with me

Andrei (11:51:17): and you don’t know how to say it

Christina Madjera (11:51:22): I like one Romanian

Andrei (11:51:28): who

Andrei (11:51:34): tell me

Andrei (11:51:42): i’ll send him to you by mail

Christina Madjera (11:51:53): his name is Marko

Christina Madjera (11:51:54): ))

Andrei (11:51:55): if it’s me i’ll swim to you

Andrei (11:52:06): marko is not romanian

Andrei (11:52:27): maybe Mircea or Marcu

Andrei (11:52:28): or Mucinel

Christina Madjera (11:52:34): marko is his nickname

Andrei (11:52:41): so he’s an EMO

Andrei (11:52:52): you like EMO people

Andrei (11:52:55): are you 12 ?

Christina Madjera (11:53:00): I met with him in Turkey

Christina Madjera (11:53:06): I HATE EMO

Andrei (11:53:13): nice turkey

Andrei (11:53:18): beautiful women

Andrei (11:53:24): well built

Andrei (11:53:35): so

Andrei (11:53:39): are you 12 ?

Christina Madjera (11:53:51): No))

Andrei (11:54:04): well ? then how much

Christina Madjera (11:54:30): I am 18 years. In April I will be 19))

Andrei (11:54:40): april is gone

Christina Madjera (11:55:05): Yet long to wait

Christina Madjera (11:55:20): Are you Romanian?

Andrei (11:55:27): i am 21 and in december i’ll be 22 and in the next december 23 and in the next december 24...

Andrei (11:55:44): yes i am... don’t let my perfect english fool you

Christina Madjera (11:55:45): ))

Andrei (11:55:57): you like me

Andrei (11:56:07): i make you russian girl smile

Andrei (11:56:27): so i ask again... where did you get my lovely id ?

Christina Madjera (11:57:07): Do you mock above me?!

Andrei (11:57:20): if you’re not honest

Andrei (11:57:28): and don’t answer my questions

Andrei (11:57:32): yes i will

Andrei (11:57:37): with no sense of shame

Christina Madjera (11:57:42): I need your help!!!

Andrei (11:57:55): i don’t help stangers... present yourself

Christina Madjera (11:58:11): I dont want to speak with you about nonsense!!!

Andrei (11:58:22): then kill yourself

Andrei (11:58:26): see

Andrei (11:58:29): i told you

Andrei (11:58:44): so... where did you get my id

Christina Madjera (11:59:10): http://360.yahoo.com/profile-IrJTNqc1eqtAhRmX4uBLLGiH9rswuA–?cq=1

Christina Madjera (11:59:12): !!!!

Andrei (11:59:33): ok

Andrei (11:59:39): what’s with her ?

Christina Madjera (12:00:08): I dont know her!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Christina Madjera (12:00:22): Why are silly you?!

Andrei (12:00:23): ok... you mad woman...

Andrei (12:00:38): where did you get HER lovely profile then ?

Andrei (12:00:57): are you even human ? DO YOU UNDERSTANT me ?

Christina Madjera (12:01:29): now I will die of laughter

Christina Madjera (12:01:35): ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

Andrei (12:01:41): so i said

Andrei (12:01:45): kill youself

Andrei (12:01:48): save us the pain

Christina Madjera (12:02:00): Do you want to look at me?

Andrei (12:02:15): i surely will die in pain if not

Christina Madjera (12:02:20): it is not although

Andrei (12:02:21): reveale yourself mistress

Andrei (12:02:49): note to russia

Andrei (12:02:56): christina is not a russian name

Andrei (12:03:01): but whatever

Andrei (12:03:03): continue

Christina Madjera (12:03:29): Do you disbelieve me?!

Andrei (12:03:33): i have better things to do... like make you famous

Andrei (12:03:45): i disbelieve everything... it’s my nature

Andrei (12:03:54): what are you GOD ?

Christina Madjera (12:04:07): I like it in you))

Andrei (12:04:12): it ?

Andrei (12:04:15): what is IT ?

Christina Madjera (12:04:45): And I am God!!! You on knees have time to get up!!!

Christina Madjera (12:05:13): On my opinion, you must trust that I am Russian

Christina Madjera (12:05:33): Because my English is very bad

Andrei (12:05:46): IN my opinion, IN

Andrei (12:05:54): i DON’T TRUST

Christina Madjera (12:05:55): I am difficult to write you

Andrei (12:06:04): yes but i am worth it

Andrei (12:06:24): try harder

Andrei (12:06:37): or cry of fail

Andrei (12:07:09): russia is far far away

Christina Madjera (12:07:15): I do not understand as it to do

Andrei (12:07:18): are you cold ?

Christina Madjera (12:07:32): certainly

Andrei (12:07:44): good

Andrei (12:07:57): so

Christina Madjera (12:08:02): you are bad Romanian

Andrei (12:08:06): where did you get my id ?

Andrei (12:08:14): i am bad

Andrei (12:08:22): because i am too good

Christina Madjera (12:08:31): Marco was better

Andrei (12:08:36): marco WAS

Andrei (12:08:37): i AM

Christina Madjera (12:08:52): he is good in sex

Christina Madjera (12:08:59): Was...

Christina Madjera (12:09:00): (((

Christina Madjera (12:09:06): in Turkey

Andrei (12:09:08): he paralized ?

Andrei (12:09:45): with russian girls everyone is good in sex

Christina Madjera (12:09:57): paralized? I dont understand

Andrei (12:10:29): when his THING... doesn’t move...

Andrei (12:10:47): you know

Andrei (12:11:05): so

Andrei (12:11:14): where did you get my id you mad woman ?

Andrei (12:11:27): you need to marry or something ? you need visa ?

Andrei (12:11:45): you want children ? they’ll be handicapated

Andrei (12:13:48): heeeeeeeey

Andrei (12:14:07): did russia fell of the map or what ?

Andrei (12:14:12): where are you

Andrei (12:16:50): ok

Andrei (12:16:53): so you dead

Andrei (12:17:14): was nice... to make you famous

Tags: none

Tuesday September 4, 2007 - 09:35am (EEST)


(83 total) Post a Comment

thank to you!!!! thank to you!!! u did happy to me! so happy to me that I of the chair nearly fell!! u informal personalities u! eyyyyyyyyyy!!
=)) =)) =)) =)) =)) =))

Tuesday September 4, 2007 - 10:36am (EEST) Comment Link

:))) bad romanian

Tuesday September 4, 2007 - 10:39am (EEST) Comment Link

yes yes.. thank to me... i am very there me from romania :D

Tuesday September 4, 2007 - 10:51am (EEST) Comment Link


Habibi nu stiu cum reushesc sa te gaseasca asemenea creaturi proaste!!!!!!! Io pana acuma am prins doar 2: O italianca cretina de origine sarba care vroia iarba si ciocane si ink o cretina ska!!!! Tu ai prins si cu borat si cu asta si cred k mai sunt multe din astea,aici am zis doar ce tineam minte....

Tuesday September 4, 2007 - 11:49am (EEST) Comment Link

am prins peste 20 da unii au renuntat repede... am avut si-un turc mai demult da mi-a fost lene sa vb cu el

Tuesday September 4, 2007 - 14:28pm (EEST) Comment Link

No fucking way!!!=)).... ras si acum...
Me is bad Romanian too... and main english the same is:)).... Btw, ce ai primit ca ai facut-o faimoasa?:))

Tuesday September 4, 2007 - 15:05pm (EEST) Comment Link

nimic... amuzamentul vostru...
sunt impresarul prostilor si o fac pe gratis... :D

Tuesday September 4, 2007 - 15:17pm (EEST) Comment Link


Mda...plictisitor...Nu stiu cum rezisti, I pity you!

Tuesday September 4, 2007 - 18:31pm (EEST) Comment Link


Ce festin de incoerenta si perversitate. :D Mi te imaginez cu o voce bizara, ceva intre Saul in Ocean’s Eleven, italianul ala din Eurotrip si Pablo Francisco:

"I LIKE russian women...
Strong... Well built! Pink... and fluffy!
Do not utter words! Let us procreate."

"Oh, so manly to you is. I am difficult to my mind keep, love make to me you must now...
Meet me in Turkey.
Bring Marko. He is good. Russian girl two must have."

Tuesday September 4, 2007 - 19:57pm (EEST) Comment Link


Tuesday September 4, 2007 - 20:49pm (EEST) Comment Link

Christina Madjera

Ты какого хуя это творишь, чмо румынское?!
Вы там в Румынии все такие пидоры чтоли???
To translate into English?
What the hell is do you do it?
In Romania all people such morons?
You’re all moral freaks!!! All Romanians are retarded,
you behave as dull sheep!
And yet that. I will write this phrase in Russian. I think, that would not prevent you to translate it. Will please you.


Tuesday September 4, 2007 - 21:42pm (EEST) Comment Link


We are sorry, dear.

We’re not evil, merely artists who take advantage of any oportunity to turn mundane occurances in heart-lightening artefacts, sometimes imbued with satire. We merely thought you were some dude playing a prank or a bot. :D

Tuesday September 4, 2007 - 22:14pm (EEST) Comment Link

Christina Madjera

Memorize, my nice ROMANIAN boy:
before to do something, check all one hundred times.

ps My life is my war. I will die for the freedom.
It is creative retreat))

Tuesday September 4, 2007 - 22:24pm (EEST) Comment Link


It is spontaneity that life is based on, our destinies a chain of impulses. In a world that is unfathomably complex and ever expanding, there is no time to check all threads of truth, and when you think you did a thousand more shall lapse from you.

Diversity and acceptance of it is where our roots shall lie, and an endless search for the new beyond is what our lives should mean. Creation is explosive, surprising and unbound. Thou shall not feel anger when you read our words, but instead be fulfilled your thoughts and actions fueled the minds of others and put a smile upon their faces. Such is art.

And when you plan your life to tiny detail, just think it may have better things in store for you, that you might miss. Leave us with this lesson, if you may. I wish you well.

Tuesday September 4, 2007 - 22:46pm (EEST) Comment Link

pentru cei ce nu stiu rusa: traducerea la ce a zis tanti mai sus:
Sasha: ok,prima propozitie:
Sasha: tu de ce puii mei faci asta, cacatul romanesc
Sasha: a doua propozitie:
Sasha: voi acolo in romania toti sunteti bulangii
Sasha: a treia propozitie
Sasha: duceti-va in pizda mamii voastre

Tuesday September 4, 2007 - 23:00pm (EEST) Comment Link

Christina Madjera

You are a clever man and it wasnt needed to write such large post. I didnt understand a half of your comment. There are ineffectual teachers of English in Russia. Maybe, I am lazy simply. Probably it is a true. Your friend advised me to work above English. And he’s right, because understanding my reports is impossible. Today I was thoughtful about foolishness which I accomplished in earnest. I didnt need to write this man. Disgrace. If I knew that he so would act with me, would not write him.

ps Once again I beg pardon for my bad English. I try to shut out errors))

Tuesday September 4, 2007 - 23:07pm (EEST) Comment Link

Dear Christina, don’t take all that serious... Even if u don’t believe that, many people on the internet take random yahoo ids and make fun of their owners... unfortunatelly, this happened a couple of times to my colleague... so, instead of being annoyed, he prefered to make us laugh about it...
And please, before you make all Romanians "morons" or "moral freaks", "check all one hundred times":)
Take care... and smile:)... life’s too complicated anyway...

Tuesday September 4, 2007 - 23:08pm (EEST) Comment Link

Christina Madjera

Previous comment was for Specter ))

Tuesday September 4, 2007 - 23:09pm (EEST) Comment Link

It doesn’t matter... Specter is my colleague too, btw:))... and he was kidding also... you were put in the middle... this is why i told you not to take all serious:)...

Tuesday September 4, 2007 - 23:14pm (EEST) Comment Link

Christina Madjera

2 Cristina.Alex
Thank you for your comment, I begin to believe that all Romanians are good people)) But only not Marco. He is the most terrible Romanian in your country))

Tuesday September 4, 2007 - 23:16pm (EEST) Comment Link

really now Christina... you made us all laugh... honestly, we will remember and love you to the day we die... don’t hate us, love us and laugh with us...

Tuesday September 4, 2007 - 23:16pm (EEST) Comment Link

Christina Madjera

I have such sense, that I look like a clown.

Tuesday September 4, 2007 - 23:20pm (EEST) Comment Link

Vedeti ca am reparat imaginea despre noi?:))
And the translation of the sentence above (for Christina). The sentence is addressed to my friends: Do you see that i repaired our image?:)

Tuesday September 4, 2007 - 23:21pm (EEST) Comment Link

you are not a clown... just a russian girl who speaks bad english... and you do not look 18... you certainly are younger...

Tuesday September 4, 2007 - 23:23pm (EEST) Comment Link

Christina Madjera

I am glad..I look younger ;-)

Tuesday September 4, 2007 - 23:25pm (EEST) Comment Link

Christina Madjera


Tuesday September 4, 2007 - 23:26pm (EEST) Comment Link

your english... yes... it’s bad
you ? no... you’re beautiful

Tuesday September 4, 2007 - 23:27pm (EEST) Comment Link

Christina Madjera

Thank you.
All right, I will go to study English...in sleep ;-)
Good night))

Tuesday September 4, 2007 - 23:32pm (EEST) Comment Link


dear Christina. Logical insisted that I write something. I do not want to but I have to obey. He can be very persuasive..
keeping it simple.Firstly I appologize for my comment. But it was sincere. You would have acted in the same manner IF you were me...secondly you are wrong if you belive that all Romanians are ’good people’ we’re just as bad as anyone else..you were lucky to find US..I think others wouldn’t have gone through such pains trying to explain this situation..you could have found something far worse..anyway it was a illuminating talk and I think I speak for all of us when saying that we are terribly glad to have met you :)

sleep tight

Wednesday September 5, 2007 - 00:13am (EEST) Comment Link


p.s. your marcu is certanly not the most terrible romanian ..others claim first position here (irinel or gigi or even corneliu-vadim are only the first i can think of..but I think you must not continue to torment yourself ...it is useless trying to find him and I am convinced you will be disappointed..just trying to offer some sensible piece of advice..good luck

Wednesday September 5, 2007 - 00:18am (EEST) Comment Link


mai oamenilor, n-am mai ras asa de multa vreme... :D =))

Wednesday September 5, 2007 - 01:02am (EEST) Comment Link

Christina Madjera

I don’t search this bad Romanian. I found already))
By the way, possibly I will work in your country next year.
We decide what country to choose...We need to do a clip))

Wednesday September 5, 2007 - 08:54am (EEST) Comment Link

you have to tell us some details... i don’t understand if you search marko because you love him or you hate him... what happened in turkey ?

Wednesday September 5, 2007 - 20:36pm (EEST) Comment Link


I think we can all guess what happened in Turkey. :P What I’m more curious to know is what happened afterwards. What did Marko do to make you say he’s a bad Romanian?
And if he is as terrible as you assert, why is it so good that you’ve tracked him, unless bad is good for you? :D

Wednesday September 5, 2007 - 20:48pm (EEST) Comment Link

Christina Madjera

My brain was opened because of your questions.
ps "My brain was opened" is Мой мозг вскрылся.

Nothing happened...Nothing especial))
Simply sometimes in me conscience wakes up.
And I wish to tell one phrase to this person.
Simply I very much regret that has not gone then with him...it’s not important for you, dear friends)))))
Is better tell me pls about beautiful places in Bucharest.
I should know, where is better to do a clip))

Wednesday September 5, 2007 - 22:30pm (EEST) Comment Link


Oh, and here we have a fresh example of how complex life can be! There are plenty of wondrous places in Bucherest, so many in fact that if you ask us all each will probably offer a different answer, but any given surrowndings can only entwine tastefully with particular forms of art. It all depends on what sort of clip you have in mind. I’m sure that once they know that, my friends, just like myself, will be more than happy to advise you.

P.S. It’s "My mind was opened", or better yet "My eyes were opened". :D
I may be a philosopher, but I’m not a neurosurgeon! :D

Wednesday September 5, 2007 - 23:12pm (EEST) Comment Link

it depend what the clip is all about...
there are a lot of good places in romania... you’ll find them easily... not in bucharest... but in the country

Wednesday September 5, 2007 - 23:24pm (EEST) Comment Link

Christina Madjera

I think, I’ll be compelled to fly in loneliness to your city. I’ll look your fine country and if it is pleasant to me, I’ll bring my gang and we will depart to Romania together))

PS My brain was opened is МОЙ МОЗГ ВСКРЫЛСЯ.
This steady expression in Russian. You will not understand.

Wednesday September 5, 2007 - 23:38pm (EEST) Comment Link


It would be hypocritical of me to claim I understand. We’re human; we never understand.

Wednesday September 5, 2007 - 23:49pm (EEST) Comment Link

if you fly alone... meet me and i’ll teach you good english...
payment in kisses

Wednesday September 5, 2007 - 23:49pm (EEST) Comment Link

Christina Madjera

I shall think...
But I should warn you, I very lazy and you should work with me constantly))It will tire you.

Thursday September 6, 2007 - 00:03am (EEST) Comment Link

as long as the kisses don’t stop, i will never tire milady... they are a flow of energy...
i know МОЙ МОЗГ ВСКРЫЛСЯ is a book, sounds very interesting...

p.s. in your blog... you have a picture with a note written in romanian... do you know what is means ?

Thursday September 6, 2007 - 00:07am (EEST) Comment Link

Christina Madjera

Well, We will long kiss. I like to do it))

Yes I know approximately.The inscription was written
by Marco. And you know that there is written?

Thursday September 6, 2007 - 00:14am (EEST) Comment Link


whoa there! down boy..you’ve only just met the poor gall and already you’re playing the hospitable and generous English Teacher..you like them young I see ;)

don’t you mind him Christina, that is what he is always like around beautiful girls:)

and Specter: "you" are men nout humans..you NEVER understand...have you any idea the rush of emotion one feels when having their brain open...like that: wham!, all of a sudden; no warning!! just a flash and then you’re overflown with knowledge that the few words that have been revealed to you could change your black&dusty life forever...
NO YOU DON’T..You have no idea and never shall have!

Thursday September 6, 2007 - 00:19am (EEST) Comment Link

Christina: the note says: "For the most spoiled chick, a good thought from Adora hotel and lots of kisses"...

he thinks you are a spoiled brat... bad marko... are you ?

Thursday September 6, 2007 - 00:28am (EEST) Comment Link

Christina Madjera

You have problems with sense of humour.

PS I hate EMO. Nobody knows that it means))
Especially in Russia.

Thursday September 6, 2007 - 00:28am (EEST) Comment Link

Christina Madjera

You are assured, what it is translated correctly?!

Thursday September 6, 2007 - 00:32am (EEST) Comment Link

Christina Madjera

You say lies to me

Thursday September 6, 2007 - 00:33am (EEST) Comment Link

i do not... it is a very difficult word to translate... "fitzoasa"... i don’t know how to say it in english... it is not something really bad... it means more like... britney spears or paris hilton... something like that...

Thursday September 6, 2007 - 00:35am (EEST) Comment Link

Christina Madjera

Marco is bad boy. I like it))
Thanks for the translation. I have something else))

12:47:54 AM christina_madjera: You’re tiresome
12:48:22 AM christina_madjera: The silly boy((
12:48:48 AM marco_bboy: nu sunt plictisitor shi prost dar am putina treaba vb altadata
12:48:48 AM marco_bboy: pls
12:48:49 AM marco_bboy: ok? femeie frumoasă...
12:48:51 AM marco_bboy: :*
12:50:32 AM christina_madjera: я никуя не понимаю

Thursday September 6, 2007 - 08:34am (EEST) Comment Link


lol this post is begining to resemble a latin american soap opera

sweetheart I have no problems with my senses..especially my sense of humour :P
my id is in romanian and the "emo" there is autoironic..it’s actually part of the word; you couldn’t possibly understand
but after all it’s your right to hate whomever you wish..even if you don’t know what it means :)

and if you’re asking for a translation there, as logical is probably asleep I will try to fill in for him:

12:48:48 AM marco_bboy: nu sunt plictisitor shi prost dar am putina treaba vb altadata (I’m not boring and stupid..but I’m a little busy we’ll speak some other time)

12:48:49 AM marco_bboy: ok? femeie frumoasă...(ok? beautiful woman...)

if you were not asking for the translation and were just triyng to prove what a bad boy Marcu is...then I appologise for the intrusion

..I found an article on wikipedia -maybe it will help you- ...although it seems a bit unusual not to know what it means since you asked logical about them..you probably meant the russian pepole in general..but just to make sure we’re clear; here is the article: http://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%AD%D0%BC%D0%BE-%D0%BA%D0%B8%D0%B4%D1%8B

Thursday September 6, 2007 - 09:59am (EEST) Comment Link

baaaaaaaaai.... acuma avem id-u lu ala de mess... :D mama e din ce in ce mai misto... oricum, tre sa apreciem conversatiile inteligente dintre ei doi... unu in romana si unu in rusa... asta inseamna iubirea... cand treci peste toate diferentele...

Thursday September 6, 2007 - 12:10pm (EEST) Comment Link

lool... deja nu mai incap commenturile pe o singura pagina...

traslation to Christina: we have so many comments on this page that they don’t fit in one page anymore...

Thursday September 6, 2007 - 12:12pm (EEST) Comment Link


ghEMOtoaco, eu am crezut mereu ca deschiderea creierului presupune o durere acuta pe care o resimt in timp ce freza zdrobeste craniul, in timp ce sufletul imi este deopotriva sfasiat de constientizarea distrugerii minunatului meu scalp care este in sine o opera de arta! :D In urmatoarea etapa lesin in propria-mi imaginatie, asa ca nu mai stiu sa va descriu...

Varianta ta e mult mai buna. :P Votez ca m-am inselat. :D

Thursday September 6, 2007 - 19:30pm (EEST) Comment Link


Sorry I didn’t write my previous post in english, but it might sound Emo and I don’t want to be hated. :))

Thursday September 6, 2007 - 20:06pm (EEST) Comment Link

cretzu... mereu egocentric...

Thursday September 6, 2007 - 20:22pm (EEST) Comment Link


ha! creierul nu are receptori de durere cretule..deci dak ti-ar face cineva trepanatie te-ar durea doar scalpul..pe creier poti sa dai de-a dura rulmenti k nu’i bai :P

Thursday September 6, 2007 - 22:57pm (EEST) Comment Link

noi nu credeam astea pana nu le simtim pe pielea noastra...
imi amintesc de profa de psihologie din clasa a zecea care sustinea cu tarie ca creierul uman nu poate identifica culori in vise... si eu visez in tehnicolor (asta e din conjuratie :D )

(Christina... we’re not talking about you)

Thursday September 6, 2007 - 23:18pm (EEST) Comment Link

Se zice ca oamenii care viseaza in culori sunt de fapt oameni care au o activitate cerebrala f intensa (imaginatie, capacitate de analiza etc etc) si care traiesc la fel de intens la nivel emotional...

Friday September 7, 2007 - 00:00am (EEST) Comment Link

evident, profa de psihologie nu avea de unde sa-si dea seama atunci :D

da eu cu cretu visam tehnicolor si suntem mandrii

Friday September 7, 2007 - 00:24am (EEST) Comment Link


Chestia asta de mai sus s-a demonstrat prin test cu ciocanelul la scalp deschis?

Friday September 7, 2007 - 12:48pm (EEST) Comment Link


Mai tin sa mentionez ca eu am evitat sa precizez ce se petrece din momentul in care se atinge creierul. N-am spus decat de hacuirea scalpului si craniului, despre care nu-mi imaginez sa fie o experienta prea placuta pe viu cu tesutul sfasiat, aschii de os sarind prin si peste el in toate partile, presiunea exercitata de freza si alte mici detalii... (Stiu, yuck, cer scuze) Plus ca mai e subconstientul care in astfel de situatii vine si el cu portia lui de disconfort (in cazul nostru chiar disconfort tehnicolor).

Friday September 7, 2007 - 13:25pm (EEST) Comment Link


sigur ca ai evitat sa mentionezi...dar cum de scalp nu ma puteam lega ptk DOARE...pt a te putea contazice onorabil trebuia sa iti arunc manusa la partea cu creierul...

si chestia cu durerea se demonstreaza in unele operatii p creier...in functie de ceea ce vrei sa vindeci pacientul e treaz si Mcneurochirurgul :P ii tropaie cu ustensilele pe circumvolutini fara consecinte dureroase (se face doar anestezie locala la nivelul scalpului parca :D)

Friday September 7, 2007 - 20:18pm (EEST) Comment Link

bah deviatiilor... ati speriat-o pe micuta...

daca nu are legatura cu rusoaica va rog sa nu se mai posteze nimic pe aceasta minunata pagina...

Friday September 7, 2007 - 21:27pm (EEST) Comment Link


>:P ranger smith’s lost his yogi :)) s-a pustiit rezervatia :))
gata nu mai zic nimic..da cred k ne-am facut treaba excelent ptk n-o vad revenind :>

Friday September 7, 2007 - 21:40pm (EEST) Comment Link


Cred ca s-a plictisit de noi sau nu stie sa treaca la a doua pagina de commenturi. :D

Semnat: Coriolis

Friday September 7, 2007 - 21:50pm (EEST) Comment Link

ce subtil esti cretule... cine crezi ca se prinde ?

Friday September 7, 2007 - 21:58pm (EEST) Comment Link


Glumesti? Era parizian, sigur l-ar fi mirosit cineva.

Friday September 7, 2007 - 22:17pm (EEST) Comment Link

Christina Madjera

I long laughed at it)))))
Girl(or boy,I don’t know),to give to me similar references is a crime.
The band which works with me is CYBER-EMO-CORE.

Friday September 7, 2007 - 22:20pm (EEST) Comment Link


Pink hair... Well that’s... stylish to say the least.

Friday September 7, 2007 - 22:28pm (EEST) Comment Link

Dear Christina, 10x 4 the links... but... the reference to wikipedia is in russian... don’t u have an english page?
@Specter: to the brain part: man, u’re sick!
to the ’pink part’: it’s extremely stilish for an emo rock band;)... u always forget the details:P

Friday September 7, 2007 - 22:41pm (EEST) Comment Link


God!I missed u guys!Dupa ce am citit asta mi s-a facut brusc dor de voi.Cand ne vedem ca dupa aia incepe facultatea si nu va mai prind!Am ras la inceput de engleza tipei si credeam ca e un gay :)).Acum ma abtin s scriu in engleza ca ma fac si eu de ras. :D

Friday September 7, 2007 - 23:13pm (EEST) Comment Link


No, I didn’t forget. The piercings I simply chose to ignore. :D

Friday September 7, 2007 - 23:16pm (EEST) Comment Link


Buna Irina, ce mai faci? :D

Friday September 7, 2007 - 23:17pm (EEST) Comment Link

ti-ai schimbat poza... e dezorientat... de ce nu-ti pui mecla ta ?
iribiri, n-am mai mancat o seminta si un whist de luni bune de zile... asteptam canicula iar :D

Saturday September 8, 2007 - 13:04pm (EEST) Comment Link


Daca tu esti un individ tatuat care-si zdrangane chitara pe scena si urla, eu de ce nu pot sa fiu un animal? Imi place poza asta, e simbolica si erecta.

Saturday September 8, 2007 - 13:59pm (EEST) Comment Link


e de-a dreptu falica si musteshte de ferrromoni ;)) :">

Saturday September 8, 2007 - 14:35pm (EEST) Comment Link

ghEMOtocul vorbeste bineinteles despre poza mea... (apropo cretule, individul tatuat care zdrangane o chitara pe scena este cel mai important om din toata istoria muzicii... james hetfield pe numele sau... )

Saturday September 8, 2007 - 23:45pm (EEST) Comment Link


Eu sunt aproape sigur ca rusoaica noastra crede ca esti tu. Si nu te mai lauda, n-ar avea nici o sansa in fata tigrului meu.

Saturday September 8, 2007 - 23:54pm (EEST) Comment Link


cu riscul de a-l dezamagi pe stapanul castelului ;)) si de a fi excomunicata...vorbeam de tigrrrrrrrru >:)...si cu iertaciune doar nu-o fi james CEL mai important om din ISTORIA muzicii...poate din ultimii 20 de ani :D

si eu zic k mititca stie cine e in poza :) om desconsidera-o noi.. da’ nici chiar asa :-?

Sunday September 9, 2007 - 11:51am (EEST) Comment Link

sunt convins ca stie...

Sunday September 9, 2007 - 12:18pm (EEST) Comment Link


Cat de important poate sa fie? :P I-a scris numele cu litere mici... Si-a uitat ca-l cheama Alan... si ca s-a nascut la 44 de ani. :D

Sunday September 9, 2007 - 15:30pm (EEST) Comment Link

wikipedia rulz

Sunday September 9, 2007 - 20:47pm (EEST) Comment Link

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