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  • Andrei Gheorghe, 38
  • Bucureşti, România
  • Work: Infineon Technologies
  • School: Fac. de Electronică şi Telecomunicaţii


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November 25, 2022 - 20:20


Cine mai explică acum că dacă nu egalau ecuadorienii, "olandejii" conduceau in c...

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Nişte angajaţi ai Urban Serv sunt foarte mândri de ei şi în ziua de astăzi pentr...

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există şi nişte bonus pack-uri în joc, dacă faci nişte achievementuri primeşti u...

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regula de cinci secunde a devenit mult mai periculoasă de când cu pandemia... nu...

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şi ca fun fact, nici măcar nu este primul chirurg din echipa Rapidului... am avu...

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Am văzut şi eu trailerul mai demult. Chiar mă întrebam dacă au plătit redevenţă ...

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Toate ca toate, dar eu fără cartofi prăjiţi nu-mi fac transplant!

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Eh, când cei mai tineri fani ai Rapidului se apropie de 40 de ani, or fi zis şi ...

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Sunt două variante aici: a. Ei nici nu s-au gândit dacă o să meargă maşina aia ...

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pare că nu...

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   "Burn Bucharest, Burn You Fucking Maniacs" [Lake Of Tears, 11 Martie 2006]

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Remodelatorul de Molecule - Archive for April, 2007Full Post View

şi alte logici


it’s a fucking invasion...

Tags: none Wednesday April 25, 2007 - 12:51pm (EEST) Permanent Link | 3 Comments
un film cu Maricica
un film cu Maricica

Children of Men

prea lent, mult prea lent
al doilea mare nume de pe poster (Julianne Moore) moare dupa 18 minute
nu e SF prin nimic, e drama

nota 7

Tags: none Tuesday April 24, 2007 - 22:11pm (EEST) Permanent Link | 0 Comments
edel aPULA edima bete
edel aPULA edima bete

Rapid a jucat cu poarta goala, si luat doar 4 goluri...
Marius Constantin nu l-a atins pe radu stefan si a luat rosu.
Badoi a fost faultat in careu si n-a primit penalty, ci lovitura libera de pe linia careului. Vrajeala.
Mazilu marcheaza din pozitie complet regulamentara si se anuleaza golul.

O rusine bah sa joci fotbal in tara asta.

btw, cel mai prost portar pe care l-a avut RAPID-ul ever... scuipati acolo...

Tags: , Sunday April 22, 2007 - 22:08pm (EEST) Permanent Link | 3 Comments
60 de ... intr-un minut
60 de … intr-un minut

Astazi m-am intalnit pentru prima data cu o prietena cu care vorbisem doar pe net pana acum... de vreo 3 ani :D

Si mi-a adus curtos :D:D:D

Tags: none Friday April 20, 2007 - 22:00pm (EEST) Permanent Link | 3 Comments
oare unde ma gasesc astia...
oare unde ma gasesc astia…

kamaranrasool (4/10/2007 8:11:04 PM): hello
Andrei (4/10/2007 8:15:59 PM): hello
kamaranrasool (4/10/2007 8:16:05 PM): how r u
kamaranrasool (4/10/2007 8:16:08 PM): from uk
Andrei (4/10/2007 8:16:22 PM): you’re from uk ?
kamaranrasool (4/10/2007 8:16:28 PM): yes
kamaranrasool (4/10/2007 8:16:29 PM): and u
Andrei (4/10/2007 8:16:30 PM): nice
Andrei (4/10/2007 8:16:33 PM): romania
kamaranrasool (4/10/2007 8:16:41 PM): nice to meet u
Andrei (4/10/2007 8:16:41 PM): how can i help you ?
Andrei (4/10/2007 8:16:45 PM): same
kamaranrasool (4/10/2007 8:16:51 PM): th x
kamaranrasool (4/10/2007 8:17:10 PM): im waiting for God for help u and me
kamaranrasool (4/10/2007 8:17:15 PM): :D
Andrei (4/10/2007 8:17:30 PM): what are you talking about
kamaranrasool (4/10/2007 8:17:31 PM): ur man?
Andrei (4/10/2007 8:17:39 PM): yes i’m man
kamaranrasool (4/10/2007 8:17:44 PM): its good
kamaranrasool (4/10/2007 8:17:59 PM): which city do u live
Andrei (4/10/2007 8:18:09 PM): bucharest
Andrei (4/10/2007 8:18:11 PM): it’s the capital
Andrei (4/10/2007 8:18:15 PM): big city
Andrei (4/10/2007 8:18:16 PM): noise
Andrei (4/10/2007 8:18:18 PM): polution
Andrei (4/10/2007 8:18:20 PM): crap
kamaranrasool (4/10/2007 8:18:29 PM): i see
kamaranrasool (4/10/2007 8:18:46 PM): do u muslim or no
Andrei (4/10/2007 8:18:54 PM): ?
Andrei (4/10/2007 8:18:56 PM): what ?
kamaranrasool (4/10/2007 8:19:06 PM): ur muslim or no
kamaranrasool (4/10/2007 8:19:11 PM): just asking
Andrei (4/10/2007 8:19:15 PM): what is a muslim ?
kamaranrasool (4/10/2007 8:19:28 PM): do u knows whats muslim
Andrei (4/10/2007 8:19:43 PM): i don’t
Andrei (4/10/2007 8:19:49 PM): it’s a religion ?
kamaranrasool (4/10/2007 8:19:53 PM): yes
Andrei (4/10/2007 8:19:55 PM): no man
Andrei (4/10/2007 8:19:59 PM): i’m christian
kamaranrasool (4/10/2007 8:20:03 PM): its ok
Andrei (4/10/2007 8:20:06 PM): fuck
kamaranrasool (4/10/2007 8:20:11 PM): just asking
Andrei (4/10/2007 8:20:15 PM): romania is in europe
Andrei (4/10/2007 8:20:24 PM): how could i have been a muslim
kamaranrasool (4/10/2007 8:20:26 PM): i cant swearing
kamaranrasool (4/10/2007 8:20:38 PM): everry body free
Andrei (4/10/2007 8:20:57 PM): man
Andrei (4/10/2007 8:21:01 PM): if you say you live in uk
kamaranrasool (4/10/2007 8:21:02 PM): yes
Andrei (4/10/2007 8:21:07 PM): why do you speak do bad
kamaranrasool (4/10/2007 8:21:23 PM): no my say its toooooooooooooooo god
kamaranrasool (4/10/2007 8:21:31 PM): not bad
Andrei (4/10/2007 8:21:50 PM): well i find it difficult to understand you
Andrei (4/10/2007 8:21:54 PM): and i know english
Andrei (4/10/2007 8:21:54 PM): so
Andrei (4/10/2007 8:21:55 PM): tell me
Andrei (4/10/2007 8:22:05 PM): where did you find my adress ?
kamaranrasool (4/10/2007 8:22:40 PM): i dont no
kamaranrasool (4/10/2007 8:22:57 PM): have u got my adrsssss
kamaranrasool (4/10/2007 8:23:26 PM): i know one girl from ur city
Andrei (4/10/2007 8:23:42 PM): really
kamaranrasool (4/10/2007 8:23:48 PM): yes
kamaranrasool (4/10/2007 8:23:59 PM): she is realy my frinds
kamaranrasool (4/10/2007 8:24:05 PM): and kind
kamaranrasool (4/10/2007 8:24:08 PM): honest
kamaranrasool (4/10/2007 8:24:10 PM): nice
Andrei (4/10/2007 8:24:16 PM): and does she have anything to do with me ?
kamaranrasool (4/10/2007 8:24:32 PM): i dont no man
kamaranrasool (4/10/2007 8:24:38 PM): maybe
kamaranrasool (4/10/2007 8:24:40 PM): or no
kamaranrasool (4/10/2007 8:25:09 PM): do u know any muslim girl in bucherest?
Andrei (4/10/2007 8:25:31 PM): i don’t think there are any
Andrei (4/10/2007 8:25:33 PM): no luck
kamaranrasool (4/10/2007 8:25:53 PM): but i know maney girl
kamaranrasool (4/10/2007 8:25:57 PM): from ur city
kamaranrasool (4/10/2007 8:26:04 PM): :)
kamaranrasool (4/10/2007 8:26:23 PM): and i wanna get marry with some one
kamaranrasool (4/10/2007 8:26:25 PM): :D
Andrei (4/10/2007 8:26:46 PM): ok
Andrei (4/1
0/2007 8:26:46 PM): man
Andrei (4/10/2007 8:26:58 PM): you really gotta find someone else to chat with
Andrei (4/10/2007 8:27:00 PM): i am busy
Andrei (4/10/2007 8:27:03 PM): bye now
kamaranrasool (4/10/2007 8:27:07 PM): bye
kamaranrasool (4/10/2007 8:27:11 PM): me too

Tags: none Tuesday April 17, 2007 - 21:43pm (EEST) Permanent Link | 2 Comments
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