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Cine mai explică acum că dacă nu egalau ecuadorienii, "olandejii" conduceau in c... |
posted on “dacă nu egalau englezii, danezii ar fi condus în continuare” |
Nişte angajaţi ai Urban Serv sunt foarte mândri de ei şi în ziua de astăzi pentr... |
posted on mud |
există şi nişte bonus pack-uri în joc, dacă faci nişte achievementuri primeşti u... |
posted on mai rapid ca rapidu |
regula de cinci secunde a devenit mult mai periculoasă de când cu pandemia... nu... |
posted on curcubeie pe asfalt |
şi ca fun fact, nici măcar nu este primul chirurg din echipa Rapidului... am avu... |
posted on te apără de goluri şi cardiace |
eu merg aproape sigur pe varianta b. pentru că e destul de uşor să verifici că a... |
Am văzut şi eu trailerul mai demult. Chiar mă întrebam dacă au plătit redevenţă ... |
posted on mai rapid ca rapidu |
Toate ca toate, dar eu fără cartofi prăjiţi nu-mi fac transplant! |
posted on 1+1 gratuit: Organe |
Eh, când cei mai tineri fani ai Rapidului se apropie de 40 de ani, or fi zis şi ... |
posted on te apără de goluri şi cardiace |
Sunt două variante aici: a. Ei nici nu s-au gândit dacă o să meargă maşina aia ... |
Oare regula de cinci secunde se aplică şi la compresor? |
posted on curcubeie pe asfalt |
pare că nu... |
posted on de la student la senior staff engineer |
La multi ani? Mai primeşti ceva anul ăsta? |
posted on de la student la senior staff engineer |
Măcar nu au fost 18... |
posted on i-a luminat farul |
Scrie chiar de două ori! Oare a uitat că a scris prima oară, sau chiar l-a mai c... |
posted on certitudinea marilor împliniri |
"Burn Bucharest, Burn You Fucking Maniacs" [Lake Of Tears, 11 Martie 2006]
şi alte logici
it’s a fucking invasion...
Children of Men
prea lent, mult prea lent
al doilea mare nume de pe poster (Julianne Moore) moare dupa 18 minute
nu e SF prin nimic, e drama
nota 7
Rapid a jucat cu poarta goala, si luat doar 4 goluri...
Marius Constantin nu l-a atins pe radu stefan si a luat rosu.
Badoi a fost faultat in careu si n-a primit penalty, ci lovitura libera de pe linia careului. Vrajeala.
Mazilu marcheaza din pozitie complet regulamentara si se anuleaza golul.
O rusine bah sa joci fotbal in tara asta.
btw, cel mai prost portar pe care l-a avut RAPID-ul ever... scuipati acolo...
Astazi m-am intalnit pentru prima data cu o prietena cu care vorbisem doar pe net pana acum... de vreo 3 ani :D
Si mi-a adus curtos :D:D:D
kamaranrasool (4/10/2007 8:11:04 PM): hello
Andrei (4/10/2007 8:15:59 PM): hello
kamaranrasool (4/10/2007 8:16:05 PM): how r u
kamaranrasool (4/10/2007 8:16:08 PM): from uk
Andrei (4/10/2007 8:16:22 PM): you’re from uk ?
kamaranrasool (4/10/2007 8:16:28 PM): yes
kamaranrasool (4/10/2007 8:16:29 PM): and u
Andrei (4/10/2007 8:16:30 PM): nice
Andrei (4/10/2007 8:16:33 PM): romania
kamaranrasool (4/10/2007 8:16:41 PM): nice to meet u
Andrei (4/10/2007 8:16:41 PM): how can i help you ?
Andrei (4/10/2007 8:16:45 PM): same
kamaranrasool (4/10/2007 8:16:51 PM): th x
kamaranrasool (4/10/2007 8:17:10 PM): im waiting for God for help u and me
kamaranrasool (4/10/2007 8:17:15 PM): :D
Andrei (4/10/2007 8:17:30 PM): what are you talking about
kamaranrasool (4/10/2007 8:17:31 PM): ur man?
Andrei (4/10/2007 8:17:39 PM): yes i’m man
kamaranrasool (4/10/2007 8:17:44 PM): its good
kamaranrasool (4/10/2007 8:17:59 PM): which city do u live
Andrei (4/10/2007 8:18:09 PM): bucharest
Andrei (4/10/2007 8:18:11 PM): it’s the capital
Andrei (4/10/2007 8:18:15 PM): big city
Andrei (4/10/2007 8:18:16 PM): noise
Andrei (4/10/2007 8:18:18 PM): polution
Andrei (4/10/2007 8:18:20 PM): crap
kamaranrasool (4/10/2007 8:18:29 PM): i see
kamaranrasool (4/10/2007 8:18:46 PM): do u muslim or no
Andrei (4/10/2007 8:18:54 PM): ?
Andrei (4/10/2007 8:18:56 PM): what ?
kamaranrasool (4/10/2007 8:19:06 PM): ur muslim or no
kamaranrasool (4/10/2007 8:19:11 PM): just asking
Andrei (4/10/2007 8:19:15 PM): what is a muslim ?
kamaranrasool (4/10/2007 8:19:28 PM): do u knows whats muslim
Andrei (4/10/2007 8:19:43 PM): i don’t
Andrei (4/10/2007 8:19:49 PM): it’s a religion ?
kamaranrasool (4/10/2007 8:19:53 PM): yes
Andrei (4/10/2007 8:19:55 PM): no man
Andrei (4/10/2007 8:19:59 PM): i’m christian
kamaranrasool (4/10/2007 8:20:03 PM): its ok
Andrei (4/10/2007 8:20:06 PM): fuck
kamaranrasool (4/10/2007 8:20:11 PM): just asking
Andrei (4/10/2007 8:20:15 PM): romania is in europe
Andrei (4/10/2007 8:20:24 PM): how could i have been a muslim
kamaranrasool (4/10/2007 8:20:26 PM): i cant swearing
kamaranrasool (4/10/2007 8:20:38 PM): everry body free
Andrei (4/10/2007 8:20:57 PM): man
Andrei (4/10/2007 8:21:01 PM): if you say you live in uk
kamaranrasool (4/10/2007 8:21:02 PM): yes
Andrei (4/10/2007 8:21:07 PM): why do you speak do bad
kamaranrasool (4/10/2007 8:21:23 PM): no my say its toooooooooooooooo god
kamaranrasool (4/10/2007 8:21:31 PM): not bad
Andrei (4/10/2007 8:21:50 PM): well i find it difficult to understand you
Andrei (4/10/2007 8:21:54 PM): and i know english
Andrei (4/10/2007 8:21:54 PM): so
Andrei (4/10/2007 8:21:55 PM): tell me
Andrei (4/10/2007 8:22:05 PM): where did you find my adress ?
kamaranrasool (4/10/2007 8:22:40 PM): i dont no
kamaranrasool (4/10/2007 8:22:57 PM): have u got my adrsssss
kamaranrasool (4/10/2007 8:23:26 PM): i know one girl from ur city
Andrei (4/10/2007 8:23:42 PM): really
kamaranrasool (4/10/2007 8:23:48 PM): yes
kamaranrasool (4/10/2007 8:23:59 PM): she is realy my frinds
kamaranrasool (4/10/2007 8:24:05 PM): and kind
kamaranrasool (4/10/2007 8:24:08 PM): honest
kamaranrasool (4/10/2007 8:24:10 PM): nice
Andrei (4/10/2007 8:24:16 PM): and does she have anything to do with me ?
kamaranrasool (4/10/2007 8:24:32 PM): i dont no man
kamaranrasool (4/10/2007 8:24:38 PM): maybe
kamaranrasool (4/10/2007 8:24:40 PM): or no
kamaranrasool (4/10/2007 8:25:09 PM): do u know any muslim girl in bucherest?
Andrei (4/10/2007 8:25:31 PM): i don’t think there are any
Andrei (4/10/2007 8:25:33 PM): no luck
kamaranrasool (4/10/2007 8:25:53 PM): but i know maney girl
kamaranrasool (4/10/2007 8:25:57 PM): from ur city
kamaranrasool (4/10/2007 8:26:04 PM): :)
kamaranrasool (4/10/2007 8:26:23 PM): and i wanna get marry with some one
kamaranrasool (4/10/2007 8:26:25 PM): :D
Andrei (4/10/2007 8:26:46 PM): ok
Andrei (4/1
0/2007 8:26:46 PM): man
Andrei (4/10/2007 8:26:58 PM): you really gotta find someone else to chat with
Andrei (4/10/2007 8:27:00 PM): i am busy
Andrei (4/10/2007 8:27:03 PM): bye now
kamaranrasool (4/10/2007 8:27:07 PM): bye
kamaranrasool (4/10/2007 8:27:11 PM): me too