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  • Andrei Gheorghe, 38
  • Bucureşti, România
  • Work: Infineon Technologies
  • School: Fac. de Electronică şi Telecomunicaţii


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   "Burn Bucharest, Burn You Fucking Maniacs" [Lake Of Tears, 11 Martie 2006]

distorted ! aborted !
distorted ! aborted !

Bolthard – The Sphere

obsesie maximă de vreo săptămână deja...

una din cele mai bune piese româneşti, thrash impecabil de la cap la coadă... riff genial şi total obsesiv, vocea death exact cum trebuie şi un solo în stil clasic executat perfect... reţeta ideală pentru mine...

clar intră direct în t0p 10-ul meu mai vechi, când se va actualiza :D

Walking unaware of the light that’s feeding us
Ancient clinging melodies bragging about the cost
We fail to take a shallow remake
Malice, suffering, hate a fragile piece of balance
That we’re about to break

I am calling
The last cards are turning

I can’t read no more through the balance of the ages
I’m witnessing all that’s why I’m calling you
Off tune in the selfish choir of hatred

Open your eyes
This sphere got black
Like the shivers crawling on my back and yet
I’m seeing all in green and red and white and blue 

Distorted! Aborted!
The final truce is you

I am the antidote, the pill for the raging thought
A glowing orb that’s screaming, voice too low to be heard
And we forget what we saw, what we bled and despise
A blinded rock that feeds us
Way too strong to demise

This sphere got black
Like the shivers crawling on my back and yet
I’m seeing all in green and red and white and blue

Distorted! Aborted!
The final truce is...

Ignoration, a way of life
For the hungry and the poor
Disrupted human souls looking just to score
A new escape they want for their sake
A stance we should take
Cause we’re about to fucking break I can’t read no more

Through the balance of the ages
I’m bringing it up and it’s all down to you

Off tune in the selfish choir of hatred

Open your eyes
This sphere got black
Like the shivers crawling on my back and yet
I`m seeing all in green and red and white and blue

Distorted! Aborted! 
The final truce is you !

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Tuesday May 22, 2012 - 23:44pm (EEST)

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